Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We're Featured!

My absolute FAVORITE fashion blogger is Tieka from Selective Potential. For the past few months she's been posting a piece called, "The Guy Behind the Camera." A few months ago I submitted Adam for all of is wonderfulness and thought that will all the followers she had there'd be no way she'd get to us. But this month she did! I absolutely love Tieka. She's a very genuine person, wife, and blogger. One day I'd love to fly over to Michigan and meet her. But for now, I can only envy her fashion amazingness and learn from her creative outfit innovating. 
Sooooo..wanna see it? Go HERE.


manders said...

wow! That is so awesome and why wouldn't she choose you two.. You both have great fashion and seriously the cutest pair. Your famous girl... Love it

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Awww!! I'd LOVEEE to hang out someday.. seriously. A double date would be the best evening EVER! :)