Adam and I caved in and went to our ward Halloween party as Edward and Bella. We were poor and had no time. I think we nailed it. If that's even something to be proud of. The day before, we went trick-or-treating with Natalie and her little girls, as well as my little sister Brynne. We had, once again, 0 time (like literally 10 minutes) to figure out what to be so we just threw on whatever neon colored stuff we had and went as 80s freaks. I love trick-or-treating. I've gone every year since I was a child and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
So how did I get away with it?
I went to the doors with Sienna and my pillowcase explaining that I was there to collect for the sick sister at home. Dishonest? Absolutely. But I justified it with the fact that Sienna would probably eat most of mine anyway. Oh, and Brynne went as a chi-mo (child molester). Yeah she's kind of awkward.
Thanksgiving: Brynne and the two of us drove to Vancouver, WA to Adam's family's. Everyone was there and it was a zoo. We slept on an air mattress upstairs in the play room and were woken up every morning to the little ones wondering if it was play time yet. Lisa, Mindie, and Amanda also threw me a fantastic baby shower and we got all kinds of neat things to go along with our nautical theme for Jude's room. It was a great week and we enjoyed the family time and time off from school. Also, Adam interviewed at an ad agency in Portland that really liked him and his work (well duh...).
The past couple weeks: I passed my nursing exit exam first try (by a hair), which was a total relief. Standardized tests are really lame and totally screw with your head. Adam hung up his BFA project, which he did awesomely on, and has basically been done with school since. Meanwhile, we waited to hear back about Adam's job possibilities. Portland called back saying they REALLY liked Adam and his work, but couldn't get permission from the CEO in Boston to hire on another employee right now. I started sweating it because that meant we only had one other option, which was in Boise. Adam and I drove to Boise and stayed with his brother and sister-in-law Matt and Kim and interviewed there just last week. We waited till the end of the week and they finally called offering him the job!
SO---we're moving to Boise on the 31st after we get back from visiting my family back east! Holy cow.
Adam's parents and my parents and two sisters came to graduation this past weekend. Friday was the dedication of the BYU-I Center, which is a scaled down version of the conference center, so it's huge, where President Henry B. Eyring with Elders Nelson and Bednar dedicated it and the Manwaring Center. It was just awesome. Unfortunately, that same day was my nursing pinning (which everyone else has pictures of), at the exact same time as Adam's convocation. So he didn't see me get my pin and I didn't see him get his diploma...cover. Really sucked but oh well. The next day was commencement and my convocation and then the festivities were over.
So now, we're leaving for NY in a few days and trying to get our apartment and ourselves ready for this new move. All along Jude and I are getting huge and I'm really excited to start this new chapter in our lives. Nursing jobs in Boise also look super promising. Looks like this will be a year of huge changes and blessings and we can't wait to see where life takes us now. HOLY CRAP I'M DONE WITH NURSING SCHOOL!
That is so awesome! What a crazy/exciting time in your life. Way to go, you impress me so much.
congratulations Britney! I hope your move goes smoothly and you welcome your new baby boy quickly and safely! Believe me the best is yet to come and I can't wait to hear all the joy you will have! congrats on the job too!
Woohoo! Congrats on everything! :)
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