Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Moment of Nostalgia

Recently, Rexburg, ID has undergone is annual renewal process we call summer. No, I don't mean spring, I actually mean summer. Rexburg doesn't know spring--it knows a blast of winter storms and then a sudden slap in the face of 90 degree hot. What's an east-coast girl to do with this lost season she has so lovingly admired for 20+ years? 
Do you see the source of my blight? I am homesick for spring--that subtle change in temperature that bears exciting new fruits of tiny flowers and buds just dying to stretch out from their long winter slumber. 
During my long period of reminiscing of those earlier days of softball games, tanning, and spring showers, which brought on all kinds of nostalgic feelings, I thought of an uncharted area of the east coast I've been dying to revisit. 

yeah, it's Boston, MA

Can you imagine living down this street?

How about shopping here?

This summer we're taking our much anticipated trip to visit my family for a few weeks and we've decided to take a few days to travel up to Boston. 
It's so close I can almost taste Quincy Market...?


manders said...

looks like a beautiful place to visit. You too will have a great time. I know what you mean even living on the "Ridge" where we are it snows one day in APRIL and summer 80 today its crazy

Unknown said...

I worked with a girl who's from Boston, she loved it there. I'm sure you guys'll have fun.

ailinh said...

Rexburg is on crack. But Boston looks amazing! Don't forget to bring me back some Boston lovin! ;)